
Triangle Agency, Paranormal Investigation TTRPG

Created by Haunted Table Games

Clock in to work and protect the world in this game of paranormal abilities, corporate horror, and dangerous Anomalies. This new Tabletop Role-playing game from Haunted Table is shipping in Summer 2024. If you'd like to learn more, you can check out our website at Shipping fees will be collected close to our estimated shipping date in 2024!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Stretch Goals Unlocked!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 06, 2023 at 02:24:07 PM

Triscendent Success!

$34,557 raised!

We are flying through stretch goals so fast, but the one we just completed at $33,333 is huge. The Vault is now set up with a content & art upgrade, and this campaign book is going to be everything we dreamed it could be! With your help we are paying everyone rates we're proud of and giving your Field Team support for an incredible career.

Two new stretch goals unredacted now:

Rulebook Deluxe Cover, $45,000. We’ll add red foil and spot gloss to the Core Rulebook cover, making it sparkle and shine on your shelf. The illustration was always created with this in mind, and we know just how to use it.
Bookmark Ribbons on both books will make navigation easier at the table. Keep your spot and reference important details with these cute red lines of fabric!Bookmark Ribbons. $51,000.

And if we can reach our next Triscendent Stretch Goal at $66,666 we'll be sending out the Complete Set in a very Normal Box designed after the Agency's Normal Briefcase. We're so excited for this box and hope we can make it happen with your help.

Locked: Normal Box Set. $66,666. Backers at the Complete Set tier or above will get their game materials in a sturdy flip-top box modeled after the Anomaly-capturing Normal Briefcase. This box will be the perfect size to hold your books, dice, and Triangle Agenda all together.

You've already helped us in a huge way, but if you are in the mood: Tell your friends! Get extra Dice and Triangle Agendas for your field team! Post online and help us keep this momentum going.

Thanks so much. (And thank you for receiving so many emails from us today! We didn't expect it either!!!)

- Haunted Table

2 STRETCH GOALS DOWN! And a warning from the Agency...
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 06, 2023 at 12:02:03 PM

Thank you so much!!!

The Triangle Agency Kickstarter page with 333 backers and $27,311 raised!

Thanks to your support these two stretch goals are already unlocked:

Deluxe Endpapers at $20,000
Vault Content Upgrade at $27,000

The next one is huge. At $33,333 we hit our first Triscendent Stretch Goal, and what it represents is the best version of the Vault mission book. Everyone with a copy of The Vault will get twice as much content and over a dozen additional illustrations. That's money going directly to our art and writing teams to create those additions, and it's all thanks to you.

Can we make it to $33,333 by tonight?

This morning we never would have believed it, but now it's absolutely possible.

Below is a message we received from the Agency a short while ago. If you'd like to see this messages as they arrive, join Our Discord, where the Agency posts directly on a regular basis!


We are receiving reports that an invasive entity has activated launch protocols early and set the campaign in motion prior to the completion of the Kickstarter Promotional Video. We recommend you DO NOT WATCH the video, as it contains dangerous content unsafe for new hires.  

With that out of the way, we would like to celebrate our success with the following unrelated imperatives.  

  •  IMPERATIVE: Reach as many stretch goals as possible. 
  •  IMPERATIVE: Do not look at the stretch goals once they are completed. 
  •  IMPERATIVE: Tell your friends about the campaign! There's employment enough for everyone. 
  •  IMPERATIVE: Ensure they are going to remain loyal to the company and will not be swayed by invasive entities.  


More soon!

- Haunted Table

We funded in FORTY MINUTES?!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 06, 2023 at 08:06:06 AM

We just funded in 40 minutes. Thank you so, so much.

More later, but first, our first two un-redacted stretch goals:

Deluxe Endpapers, $20,000. The Core Rulebook will be framed with two illustrations by Kodasea, making opening and closing your book more delicious than ever. The second illustration will only exist if we reach this goal!

Kodasea did an AMAZING job on the first big illustration, and we really hope we'll be able to get a second one. Concept isn't finalized, but you can expect to see a more Agency-focused illustration for #2.

Vault Content Upgrade,  $27,000. Every Vault Mission will have its content doubled. A higher pay rate for every writer and more details for your mission at home.

This one is something we really, really hope to reach. This book is already going to be amazing, but giving these writers room to DOUBLE every mission is going to push this to the next level. The ENTIRE TEAM gets a pay boost here, so it's such a gift to reach it.

If you want more indie horror TTRPGs in your life, check out this project created by Adam Vass and one of our Vault Writers, Logan Dean. 1978: The Night They Came Home is one of our most anticipated games of this year, and it launched at the same time as us!!! Go show them some love.

1978: The Night THEY Came Home board game box. A horror movie villain and a Final Girl stand on either side of a threatening knife.

Thank you again, so, so much. 

More from the Agency soon.

-Caleb & Sean (Haunted Table)