
Triangle Agency, Paranormal Investigation TTRPG

Created by Haunted Table Games

Clock in to work and protect the world in this game of paranormal abilities, corporate horror, and dangerous Anomalies. This new Tabletop Role-playing game from Haunted Table is shipping in Summer 2024. If you'd like to learn more, you can check out our website at Shipping fees will be collected close to our estimated shipping date in 2024!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Triangle Agency - Unstable Edition Download Link
about 1 year ago – Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 07:18:33 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Quick Update - Playtest Version On The Way
about 1 year ago – Tue, Nov 07, 2023 at 09:29:07 AM

A text version approaches!

A large black hole shape made entirely of small ants. From a sphere at the center of the black hole stretch two hands of a clock, the ends of which are stylized like the head and thorax of an ant.
Time stops for no game designer...

Hey, everybody! It's been another month, and I wanted to update you all on where our progress is, and what's coming up in November. The big headline is: barring any emergencies, we will have a playtest version sent out to backers this month! 

We've been working hard on it since the campaign. Here's some general information:

  • This version will be available to people who backed the campaign at the Digital Only level or above. At present, it will not be available to those who have pledged pre-orders or who have upgraded through BackerKit. (This is because those purchases haven't actually happened yet!) It will be delivered like the previous bonus games, so if the email associated with your Kickstarter Account is not accurate, please fix it now. 
  • The original Delta Test was around 10,000 words. The version we're planning on sending to y'all this month has around 80,000 words. 
  • Many details have changed since the Delta Test. For the best experience, I recommend going into it assuming you are re-learning the game from scratch.
  • This document will be a very simple PDF. It will not have some of the narrative features the Delta Test had, because those are fully developed at the layout stage. This version is focused entirely on getting the gameplay to you as fast as possible.
  • The book is structured like this: a Field Agent Manual for players, a General Manager's Toolkit for GMs, and a section of unlockable abilities, character advancement elements, and bits of story now called Playwalled Documents.
  • The last section can be read all at once, but it isn't really intended to be approached that way. Ideally, over the course of play, you'll visit this section to receive new abilities and fun surprises based on the choices you make during your campaign. For the sake of early feedback, we're going to make it a little easier to navigate "linearly" than it will be in the final product. 
  • We will be including the art for each of the ARC Pieces (the parts you combine to make your character)! We have tons more art coming, but for now we thought it would be fun to include at least some art so you can get a feel for the vibe. You can see a few of them on this page!
A figure whose head is a profile cut out of a triangle holds a shovel in both hands and is pushing grasping red hands back into a briefcase. A third hand extending from their shoulder is holding a small cigarette with red smoke coming off of it.
Always more problems to solve.

I'd like to stress: this is an early version of the final rules. There will be edits, mechanical changes, proofreading, layout, additional writing, and way more art in the final book. We're making this version available early because we want a chance to hear feedback from your play sessions. There may be typos, inconsistencies, mistakes, and other imperfections. We'll give you a place to report those.

If you do not want to play an incomplete or in-progress version of the game, that's perfectly fine. If you want your first experience of the game to be after it's cleaned up, we'll see you next year!

For the curious, here's what we're still working on (meaning, why we can't drop it today):

  •  Character Sheets: With the design stable for now, we're trying to get a working, updated set of character sheets. The game is very flexible, and it's hard to predict what your list of abilities will look like by the end of your Agent's career. We're going to be iterating on these a lot based on feedback, I am sure.
  •  Anomaly Reworks: A couple of the Anomalies weren't living up to the rest, after we'd finished the rules. We wanted to give those a chance to get a real test in a better form, so we made the decision to extend our timeline slightly. (For reference, each Anomaly has 21 possible abilities, including their starting 3.) There are also minor reworks in progress for every character piece, somewhere.
  •  Agent Retirements and Campaign Endings: Eventually, the book will include support for the final sessions of characters and campaigns. The narrative text of these will not be present in this version. The mechanical effects leading to and resulting from both will be available for testing.

Thanks for your patience with us, and we're looking forward to getting your feedback. As always, I recommend joining our Discord! I'm almost always in there to answer questions and chat about weird Anomalies we found online. GMs are often sharing game stories and building sessions together, too! It's a great place to be.

See you soon,


A girl scout-like troupe carries stacks of cookie boxes. The troupe leader, with a merit-badge covered vest and pink hijab, stands proudly at the front. Two other scouts carry the boxes. One scout watches with a sour expression from the back.
Art featured today: Timepiece by Kanesha Bryant; Gravedigger by Nathan Rhodes; Backbone by G.C. Houle and Ryan Kingdom

Progress Update & Art Teasers
over 1 year ago – Mon, Oct 02, 2023 at 11:10:46 AM

Progress Update

Six images clipped from larger ones in wildly different styles: a woman covered in mouths; a man with dreads, tiny glasses, and a fancy shirt sweating; a VHS tape with lots of tape unspooling; a dead person's head mid-bite of pizza; an animatronic parrot on a shoulder; two hands of someone in a nice jacket rubbing together in thought
Top, left to right: Marie Enger, Jaden Kristofferson, Gravemud. Bottom, Left to right: Zach Hazard Vaupen, kevins_computer, Kodasea

Whew! It's been a busy couple of months! I know y'all are probably curious what's happening, so I'm taking a short break today to catch you up on all the work. This email doesn't hold any essential information, but if you're curious about the process I'll go step-by-step through each major part of the project.

Core Rulebook Design

The high-level mechanics design is done! Now Sean & I are working on the text and perfecting an expanded version of the storytelling style you're already familiar with in the Delta Test. The writing for the entire book is about 75% complete, and we expect the book to be close to 250 pages broken down in these estimates:

  • Field Agent Manual: 120 pages (60 of which are dedicated to Character ARC Pieces) 
  • General Manager Toolkit: 60 pages
  • Classified Documents (which become accessible during play): 75 pages

These are expected to be high estimates - at the Layout stage we'll be working to condense as much as possible while preserving readability.

Our goal is to finish drafting the rulebook by the end of October. This rough version of the final rules will be made available shortly afterwards to everyone who is interested in playtesting! The book will undergo edits over the following two months while we receive community feedback, meaning there will likely be plenty of changes between this version and the final version next year. This version will also be missing some of the signature TA style stuff - a lot of the fun of our book comes in the layout stage.

We've already posted a few major changes from the Delta Test's rules in our Discord that have been met with tons of excitement and positive feedback from players! 

The Agency’s greatest tool in the preservation of Reality (other than the hard work and perseverance of employees like you) is our ability to subtly alter the recent past. This broadly applicable privilege allows Agents to enter dangerous situations with confidence that the power of <narrative/coincidence> is on their side.  Put most simply: you may, at any time, Ask The Agency to ensure something happens. If something could happen, no matter how implausible, you can Ask The Agency for it!  Reality Alteration Requests require four things from you, in this order:  An effect you want to occur. (A traffic jam slows the escape of a speeding vehicle; a celebrity arrives to film a reality TV show; someone tumbling from a building is safely caught by a truck full of soft garbage) The series of events that occurred to cause the effect, called the Causality Chain. (An accident has clogged the roads; the celebrity heard a rumor this building was haunted; the angry boycott of a pillow company has led to hundreds of pillows being thrown away just this morning) If you know what you want but aren’t sure how to get there, others at the table can help you sort out the details. A relevant professional Quality you are embodying or enhancing with this change. (Empathy, Subtlety, Attentiveness) The GM has final say on which quality. A successful roll of at least one 3.
This is the intro to our biggest expanded mechanic!

 Core Rulebook Art 

The bulk of the work, the ARC piece illustrations, are almost done! The rest of the work is at varying states of completion, but with the exception of the Requisitions I believe every piece in the book has an approved sketch at this point. Here's a WIP sent to me this morning of an amazing interpretation from G.C. Houle and Ryan Kingdom on the Newborn Reality: 

A man dressed in early 1800s garb steps through a portal into a modern city street. They, and everyone around them, look confused.
Who goes there? Who goes there? Feeling very exploratory. Feeling very adventurous.

 The Vault Design 

All 12 missions are entering editing this week! As they arrive, I (Caleb) check to make sure they fit into Triangle Agency's general story world, and then Will Jobst begins detailed edits to make sure the book is as fun to play as it is to read. These missions are amazing - they're all VERY different, but all carry through the emotions & themes of TA you've come to expect if you've been following our publications and streams.

This book will have 12 missions and over 60,000 words!!! We expect this book to end up close to 150 pages. The missions can be completed in any order, and there's truly something for every group in here. 

An excerpt from a Vault Mission: Optional Objectives: Identify Whether Something that Glitters is Gold - 1 Commendation, max 3 per Agent. Participate in a Choreographed Dance - 6 commendations, achievable once per Agent. Use Self-Deprecating Language - 1 Demerit per sentence.
Every mission has optional objectives, as well as unique characters, requisitions, and abilities your Agents can discover.

The Vault Art

The header of this email is a teaser of one half of the Vault Mission covers! Each one is a gorgeous, full-page illustration by one of our 12 artists. These are almost all done, and the variety of styles is making this one of the coolest books I've ever seen. Just for fun, here's what artist is paired with what writer:

  • Artist - Writer
  • Coey Kuhn - Leon Barillaro
  • Corviday - Ben Mansky
  • Gravemud - Kay W.
  • Jaden Kristofferson - J. R. Zambrano
  • kevins_computer - Cassi Mothwin
  • Kodasea - Carlos Cisco
  • Marie Enger - Caleb Zane Huett
  • Sajan Rai - Christian Sorrell
  • Tofu Pixel - Sean Ireland
  • Trevor Henderson - Erin Roberts
  • Wayne Griffiths - Viditya Voleti
  • Zach Hazard Vaupen - Logan Dean
A piece of a full illustration - The lower half of a skeletal creature with multiple arms is visible above a long shadow that implies a great height. A normal home sits behind it.
nothing to see here. (art by Trevor Henderson)

 Manufacturing & Shipping 

Not much to report right now! We're a ways out from final shipping costs, and most of the manufacturing process at this point is just going back and forth and making tons of tiny decisions. What kind of paper, what style of dice, what exactly should the shape of the box be . . . that kind of stuff. Long conversations over a long period of time. Positives: we're working with lots of very smart people, and this process has led me to learn so much more about production than I ever expected to. Negatives: Handling this much money and pressure is pretty intense! And with this many orders, it's truly wild how much a $1 manufacturing cost difference could make on the longevity of the product and company. 

All that to say, I'm moving at a deliberate pace to try to ensure we don't mess up. I'm sure there will be some road bumps, I'm told there always are, but I'm doing my best. We're on track for everything to happen on time creatively - if there are manufacturing and shipping delays, we won't know that until 2024. 

A chart showing the relationship between humans, resonants, and Anomalies that repeats information in the Delta Test. Many things have been marked out with red, implying it's more complicated than the Delta Test has explained.
A helpfully redacted chart I made this week for internal development

Thank you so much for your interest in Triangle Agency, and for all your patience! I couldn't have asked for a better experience with my first Kickstarter, and I think this game is going to be unlike anything you've seen before. (For better or worse?) 

If you get a chance, tell a friend about the game! Invite them to pre-order on our Backerkit page. Join the Discord, playtest using the Delta Test, or get your group hyped to play along with the text version of the rules in November. Every little bit helps.

Talk to you soon,

Caleb - Creative Director and Lead Designer

wait uh

who is that

A bright blue humanoid face on a background of tentacles with two strange and different eyes, green teeth, and hair like a sea anemone
(wip by Kodasea)

Backerkit Fixes + Pledge Upgrade Assistance
over 1 year ago – Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 11:47:28 AM

Hi, all!

First: Apologies for some Backerkit mistakes that popped up yesterday! The main one (extra core sets and dice add-ons being listed as an incorrect price) should be fixed. If your survey still suggests the dice are charging you an extra dollar, or you're having any other problems with your survey, please let me know here or in an email to [email protected]. I think I caught them all today.

The second is something I've seen come up a lot! If you're trying to upgrade your pledge on Backerkit, they have a helpful tutorial page for doing that here:

I know a few people have upgraded and made previous campaign add-ons (like the Vault PDF) no longer necessary. I tried to catch those ahead of time and put the credit toward your upgrade instead, but if you would like to upgrade your pledge and need me to remove something, just let me know here or in that email address above and I'll get on it. (It's better to contact me directly rather than Backerkit Support, as they won't necessarily know exactly what's going on.)

Thank you so much to the folks who pointed out the errors so we could catch them immediately. It's a huge help. 

We've also been getting a lot of questions about shipping & international shipping costs, which is totally understandable! (I am, to be honest, pretty surprised at how complex and constantly changing the world of shipping is.) We've settled on partners for most of the regions we're covering directly and are moving forward with getting things organized with them, but final shipping costs are highly unlikely to appear until late this year or early 2024. 

Oh, and Backerkit changes & preorders should be open until very late 2023 or early 2024. I'll let you know when there's a specific date, but you have plenty of time.

Thanks again everyone! As a bonus for this apology update, here's the in-progress lineart for the Overbooked Reality by GC Houle, featuring one of my favorite drawings of a dog to exist:

A figure with a dress shirt, tie, and blazer is also wearing short shorts and balancing on pointe shoes. Simultaneously they are attempting to talk on the phone, eat toast, look at a set of papers, carry a child swinging on their arm, and walk a dog.

I also want that backpack.

Talk to you soon, and let me know if there are any more problems!

- Caleb

Backerkit Surveys Sending Today! Playtesting Docs in Discord! New Art!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Aug 19, 2023 at 08:28:45 AM

Hello again!

Backer Surveys are being sent today!

You can use this Survey to confirm your Kickstarter rewards, add to your order, and provide us with additional information to help us fulfill things such as the private games included in the Triscendent tier.

And tell your friends who missed the campaign to go to our Pre-Order store on Backerkit as well!

Mechanics Changes on Discord!

We've been hard at work on the final rules text, releasing later this year. As we develop it, we're starting to share early playtesting material with our community on Discord - yesterday we revealed two small changes to the Delta Test rules for people to try out and share feedback.

Players are sharing stories from their tables, and GMs are sharing new Anomalies and tips for game prep. If you want to get involved (and maybe find a group of your own to playtest with) visit us at!

Another Sneak Peek at some Art!

Our artists are also hard at work bringing Triangle Agency to life. Last time we shared Whisper by Kanesha Bryant; today we're excited to share a look at a work in progress from Kodasea!

An in-progress sketch. Two Agents arrive on the scene through a portal of some kind to see a third Agent excitedly pointing out something offscreen. They appear to be in a subway car that's rotating in an impossible corkscrew.

That's all for now! Talk to you soon,

Caleb and Sean

Haunted Table