
Triangle Agency, Paranormal Investigation TTRPG

Created by Haunted Table Games

Clock in to work and protect the world in this game of paranormal abilities, corporate horror, and dangerous Anomalies. This new Tabletop Role-playing game from Haunted Table is shipping in Summer 2024. If you'd like to learn more, you can check out our website at Shipping fees will be collected close to our estimated shipping date in 2024!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Manufacturing Timeline - The Home Stretch! Cards Charged for Shipping September 16th
12 days ago – Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 07:21:11 AM

Books are Printing! 

Greetings, Agents! Books are currently printing full steam ahead at our manufacturer in China, Asia-Pacific Offset. Most important headline: CARDS WILL BE CHARGED FOR SHIPPING AND ADD-ONS ON SEPTEMBER 16TH. Plenty of time to prepare, but I want to give you lots of heads up.

I'll be going over the whole timeline in detail but first I want to mention a game you should check out while it's funding!!

Our Vault editor is releasing a game: PLASMODICS!

A bulging, floating orb with multiple faces and branching fleshy tendrils floats in front of an oily orange background. Text says "Plasmodics: Mutant Freaks in the Weird Future. Just Funded on Kickstarter."

This isn't a game I'm involved with directly, but designer Will Jobst was critical to the creation of our book of missions and, if you like Triangle Agency, I think you'll find plenty to like in the light-weight and full-of-juice TTRPG Plasmodics, which hit its goal last weekend! One of our goals as a game company is to keep boosting our collaborators in all they do, so I hope you'll check this game out (and keep Will paid and full of The Gamer's Joy so we can get them to edit more stuff for Triangle Agency!!!) 

Several sample spreads from Plasmodics, featuring backgrounds like Human-ish, Animal-ish, and Robot; Mental Mutations like Suggestion, Vampirism, Seance, and Clone-sense, and information on Skylarks, "aliens observing this world in its death throes--it's a tourist stop."

"Plasmodics is the tabletop roleplaying game of post-apocalyptic, gonzo sci-fi, where (sorta) humans, (kinda) animals, (mostly) robots, and (definitely) aliens join hand-in-mutated-hand. It's lightweight, freaky, and gorgeous." Or so they say. But don't take their word for it when you can take my word for it!

Easy to learn, play, and push into overdrive, Plasmodics goes down smooth and comes back up writhing. The book is an all-in-one package with tools for character generation, plot hooks, and setting that flow together in a seamless, mesmerizing ooze. And, in signature Jobst style, the book is funny! It's clever, welcoming, and rewarding to read even before it hits the table. (But you will feel Plasmodics demand the table.) -Caleb Zane Huett, Haunted Table

The campaign is only going to be a couple weeks long total, so hop in ASAP. Kinda weird to have that much orange on a Triangle Agency update, huh? Anyway back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Triangle Agency Current Timeline

Okay, here is what our schedule looks like right now, and some details around that.

  • August 13: Printing Full Steam Ahead Began 
    • This took a little longer than we expected because of the proofing process, but it meant we fixed several things that really dramatically improved the whole book. Physical printing has a lot of quirks (especially where color is concerned) and so we needed to analyze and edit design & illustration across the covers, box, and interior in many spots. After the first round we got a second set of proofs, which took time to print & deliver to us and then had a few more small necessary fixes for the fixes! 
  • Mid-September: Printing Advances Arrive
    • Sometime Mid-September I'll get a sample box of the print copies as they'll be sent to y'all. I'll be taking tons of pictures and probably a video or two once these are ready!
    • We'll be charging cards on September 16th. Orders are already locked. If there are any adjustments to shipping because of unforeseen global events I'll let you know, and if they happen within the last week I'll extend the deadline an additional week. (I don't expect this to happen.)
    • Right now, you can still change your address by going into Backerkit through your account or the original survey email. On this day, addresses will be locked for our October-November shipping and any other changes will have to happen through fulfillment center-specific methods.
    • If you pre-ordered through our website, your cards have already been charged shipping. 
  • September 23rd: Printing Complete
    • All the books will be printed and loaded onto three ships coming from China: One heading for the US, one for the UK, and one for Australia. 
  • Late October: Books Arrive at Fulfillment Centers
    • The space between the last bullet point and this one is where we run into the most variables. It's the ocean out there. Each boat will take a different amount of time to get to the fulfillment center, and each fulfillment center will take a different amount of time to ship books out based on their schedules. 
    • In the UK and EU, we're fulfilling with GamesQuest.
    • In Australia, we're fulfilling with Aetherworks.
    • In the US and rest-of-world, we're fulfilling with CRWN.
  • End of October to November: Books Arrive to You!
    • This is later than our original estimate, and while I don't love delivering that news, I want to stress that these delays happened for the sake of the product, not from mistakes. Our additional time spent on design, layout, analyzing product proofs and perfecting everything we could mean the game is significantly better from this slight delay. I've done my best to make sure you got everything as soon as we could give it along the way, and I appreciate the support you've all given during this process.
    • There is no way around different regions getting their books at slightly different times. I know it can feel frustrating seeing people in other parts of the world getting their books while you're waiting, but doing global same-day release is not something we are capable of organizing at our scale. Thanks for your patience and know I'm doing everything I can.
    • Right now, you can still change your address by going into Backerkit through your account or the original survey email. On this day, addresses will be locked for our October-November shipping and any other changes will have to happen through fulfillment center-specific methods.

Other Updates and On-The-Way Things

  • We have a table at PAX Unplugged! We'll be getting product with just enough time to run a booth with the game at PAX. I'm not sure if we'll be running games yet, but several members of the team will be there to say hi, sign books, and maybe sell a things??
  • Improved Digital Versions are in progress. I've hired someone to help us make the game compatible with screen readers, legible to more types of vision, and to put together a solid text version for easy reference. I don't have an exact timeline on when it will be done, but I'm hoping we have all of that by the end of the year.
  • Triangle Agency: Architect is in development by Alfred Valley! The core loop is designed now and I think it's looking awesome. There's a ton left to do, but as soon as we have even a playable demo version I'll share it with all of y'all!
  • The House Edge is still in development, but will likely take longer than expected. B. Everett Dutton over at Claymore has been hard at work fulfilling the FIST Kickstarter, and they've hit a few speedbumps that have slowed things down. I'm working on some potential alternate bonuses we can provide if this project is delayed dramatically.
  • The Remaining Crossovers from the Stabilize All Realities Jam last year are in progress, by me and others! I don't want to say much about them because I'm selfishly excited about getting to surprise y'all with the details once they're done.
  • The Future of Triangle Agency is forming as we speak! I've been having meetings and doing early design planning for some amazing projects I'm hoping you'll hear about by next summer. It's worth saying, though, that now is a great time to share what could best help your game of Triangle Agency. Especially those of you who have been running campaigns. What's missing for you? What could make the game easier, bigger, more fun, more enticing? I'll admit I have some pretty strong answers to these questions myself, but if you're secretly hoping for something I want to hear about it.
  • Our older website is busted. The shop is fine but the site is acting up because Squarespace bought Google Domains. This means some of our old website forwarding to places like our Discord is acting up. Hopefully we'll have this resolved soon but it is annoying and I wish we weren't dealing with it! It's more likely we'll do a whole website redesign sometime soon.

Thank you!

Only a few (very intense, physically challenging, most important) steps to go before you have the books. And then Triangle Agency will be completely real! If you have the time and would like to show your support, try these:

Otherwise, reach out here or to [email protected] if you have any questions. I'm around almost all the time running support while I prep for the next phase of Haunted Table's journey. This has been an amazing experience all around, and I can't wait for the future.

You'll hear from me again with a warning before we charge cards. Until then, keep working hard!


Proof Unboxing + Editing, Files Updated to 1.02
about 2 months ago – Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 08:36:41 AM

Hello, Agents!

Today's another short update. Our wet proofs came in! Check out the video below where I unbox them and show off how things are looking. 

If you're checking out this page and you aren't a backer, you can pre-order physical copies on our website and get digital copies on (If you're in the UK/EU or Australia/NZ, I don't recommend you order physical copies at this moment. We're working on it!) 

If you have questions: comment here, email [email protected], or join our Discord.

Proof Fixes

I've spent the last week working on these proofs alongside Ryan Kingdom & Michael Shillingburg. In case you're curious, here are the kinds of things we're fixing:

  • Everything printed darker than we expected! We were working in CMYK, but the actual prints made everything dark enough that details are getting lost in a few places. We've brightened up things like the Agent's outfit on the front cover, the whole Vault front cover, one of the endpapers, and some details on the box.
  • Internal printing edits: We printed full resolution versions of what we expect to be "problem pages," and did indeed find some problems. Blues printing more purple, light text on dark backgrounds getting fuzzy, that kind of thing. Most of these fixes came down to color changes, font changes, or bolding! 
  • Fixing textures: we have embossing and foil on our covers, and there are tiny tweaks we needed to make (mostly embossing more things) to make the covers feel "finished." 
  • Normal Briefcase Box Illustration Alignment: The box is made up of 8 different files whose measurements and orientation in relation to each other are not easy to estimate. For example, the fake "locks" and "handle" were upside-down, with their shadows pointed in the wrong direction! Ryan has redrawn a few pieces to fix these issues.
  • Dice Box Text Alignment: Had to rotate the logo in one place, basically.
  • Checking Bar Codes: I took them all to my local bookstore to make sure they were scannable. They were!
  • A small printer mistake: Our endpapers were flipped onto the wrong sides. Honestly this is the only error our printers have made throughout this process, though, and I'm really grateful for them. If you're interested in working with a larger printer for games/books, I definitely recommend Asia Pacific Offset.
  • Text proofreading: I've also been using this time to read the books again and catch any small text errors I can find. Thanks to this work in combination with our community posting bug reports, the final printed books are going to be way cleaner than they would have been if we'd rushed through this process!

We're getting a second set of wet proofs to check these fixes. It's a little expensive on our end, and it pushes us back another week or so on physical printing, but these will be on your bookshelf forever. We want to make sure they're as close to perfect as we can get. 

Triangle Agency 1.02 Update

Speaking of that proofreading pass, the documents for the Triangle Agency game have been updated to 1.02 on and our website. If you are a backer and have trouble downloading the update from, go back to your original email from itch and download from there. 

I also recommend you connect those downloads to your account so you can access the page at any time!

Full patch notes for 1.02 are here, but it's mostly typos and small errors. If you haven't downloaded since launch I really recommend doing so (not the least of which because we figured out how to get the files MUCH smaller.) I'm going over The Vault thoroughly this week as well. 

Architect & The House Edge Update

It's been a while, so in case you've forgotten: Architect is our upcoming solo game in the Triangle Agency setting created by Alfred Valley, and The House Edge is a crossover FIST module created by B. Everett Dutton (the creator of FIST!)

Alfred Valley has turned in a first draft overview of Architect's rules, which I will be moving on to as soon as the books are finally for real 100% printing. House Edge is still in early development, but is in progress as well! The FIST Kickstarter did really well last year, and has kept B pretty busy.

I don't have a strict timeline for these bonus games. Our philosophy has been (and remains) that releasing something up to our quality standard is more important than moving fast. I'm not rushing either creator because these games are bonuses and we also just now released a giant core game! 

My guess, though, is that you'll see at least an early version of both by the end of this year. And their development will give me something to talk about while we wait for the books to print and ship!

EU/UK Backers: VAT/Tax Update

I think we've finally set the taxes and shipping at the correct rate for everyone. Take a look at your Backerkit (through your original survey email) and let me know if you notice anything strange. I think most of you will be pleasantly surprised with the fixes!

And Finally: Tell Your Friends!

If you're enjoying your time reading or playing the game, let people know! Our digital launch is going great, but we aren't currently spending any money on advertising. Your help growing the game's community is super appreciated. Every order increases the resources we have available for game support and future projects! (We already have a few things percolating...)

And as a reminder, Triangle Agency's third party publishing license is on our page. We'd love to see more folks creating their own Missions, Anomalies, and ARC pieces!

As always, let me know if you have questions. I'm back to proofreading!

More soon,


Quick First Week Update, FAQ, & Some Community-Made Tools!
2 months ago – Tue, Jul 02, 2024 at 09:28:08 AM

Hello, Agents!

We've had an amazing week!! I've loved seeing all the new players, excited readers, and incredible game reports. This update is for a few small headlines:

File Updates

On and our website, the files for Triangle Agency & The Vault received an update last night. We got the file size down to about 1/3 of what it was before, and fixed a bunch of small typos and clarity issues found by readers this week. Both are labeled version 1.01 on Itch! I appreciate y'all's patience as I improve distribution.

Don't Read on Google Drive on Android Phone

This is a really annoying bug where in this single place one of our primary fonts completely changes. We're working on it but the best fix right now is to open it with something else! No paid PDF app required, any other free one you have access to should do fine. (Unless you see this pop up in another place, and let me know.)

Character Sheet Options

On our page, you can find form-fillable versions of our character organization sheets now! We worked with community member Winry Winters to get these set up for you. They're very straightforward but let you use Michael Shillingburg's great designs on your computer!

For something more robust, I recommend, which was created by a few members of our Discord! I know they're in active testing right now, especially for the inclusion of new Playwalled content, so join us on Discord if you have any helpful feedback. And if you like what they've done, consider leaving them a tip! This isn't an official creation of ours, but they've done a really amazing job in such a short time.

Schedule Triscendent Tier Games

The first game are starting next week! If you are one of the people who hasn't scheduled a game and it's because of the timing, let me know what your situation is and we can figure it out together! Check your email and spam for the notifications about it, and if you can't find it email me at [email protected]!

Other FAQ

  • Will you be providing alternative versions for the harder-to-read pages? Yes! This year we'll be creating a text-only version that's clean and easy to read. Many parts of the book are a little harder to read on purpose, but we know "hard to read" can quickly become "impossible to read" for some folks. And the text-only version will have the added benefit of being easy to reference!
  • Will you be adding bookmarks, table of contents links, and screen reader compatibility? Yes! That will also be coming this year. I don't have exact dates right now but our goal is to have all of this stuff completed, at the latest, by the time the physical release is available. Some of the simpler stuff will be done much sooner.
  • What's the status of Architect/Three's Company/House Edge? All still in progress! Our goal for these is also by the end of this year. I'm as excited to work on them as you are to see them!
  • What's the status of VAT tax charges? This is a multi-hour (and potentially multi-day) math and data entry job I haven't had time for with my bill-paying job and the game release! It's coming. You won't be charged until you're told. We have multiple months before that charge.

That's all! Thanks again, and let me know if you need anything. 


Triangle Agency is Out Now!
2 months ago – Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 06:26:17 AM

Welcome to Triangle Agency!

The Triangle Agency Normal Briefcase Collection all together: Rulebook, The Vault: Missions for Triangle Agency, The Triangle Agenda,  six four-sided dice, and the Normal Box. Everything has an updated design.
Today the digital edition is out, but check out these beautiful new product renders! Cover illustrations by Ryan Kingdom, Corviday, and Michael Shillingburg. 3D renders by Michael Shillingburg. 

The digital edition of the game is available now! Check your email associated with Backerkit. If you backed or pre-ordered, you should have an email from with a download key. If you have issues accessing the game, reach out, but please be patient! It's a busy time, and there's only one of me.

If you didn't receive the email with your personal link, these should also work if your email is entered correctly:

Enjoy! We can't wait to hear what you think.

Updates to the digital version on the way!

As a reminder, this version of the game is missing accessibility and quality of life features that will come later. Everyone who buys the game through any channel will continue to get these updates, free of charge. They will include:

  • Form-fillable character sheets
  • Screen reader compatibility & alt text
  • Alternate versions to assist with readability & easy reference

So you'll keep hearing from me about this version between now and physical fulfillment later this year.

The Core Rulebook cover displayed on a digital tablet. Text says PDF: Triangle Agency. Clock In. Save the world. Caleb Zane Huett & Sean Ireland. The cover features a figure in red high heels walking away from the viewer and carrying a briefcase with glowing red light erupting from the back of it. An upside-down city skyline extends from the top.

Backerkit Orders Locked & Closed - Digital Pre-Orders Charged Tonight

Your orders can no longer be changed and we are no longer taking pre-orders through backerkit. You can still change your address at any time by accessing your survey or Backerkit account through the same links as before.

Digital orders will be charged tonight around 7pm EST, as they are now being fulfilled.

The Official Haunted Table Shop

We have a new online shop for buying Triangle Agency books and stuff at! Right now it's pretty basic, but we'll build it into a more holistic resource over time. I love it!

The top of the Triangle Agency website. It features the endpapers of the book as big illustrations and says "The time has come. Triangle Agency out now. Start playing." A header says STABILIZE REALITY and is next to two buttons labeled "Purchase" and "Consume".
Illustrations by Kodasea

I recommend EU/UK and AUS/NZ customers do not order physical products from this website yet. These orders are all fulfilled by our partner in the United States, and the shipping charges reflect that. This website is also not collecting VAT or other import taxes, so you'd likely be charged by customs when your books arrive. We're working on connecting this to our other fulfillment partners soon, and also the books will be available in retail shortly after fulfillment in those regions!

Vault Sample Missions & Rulebook Sample Pages

We're giving away two Vault missions for free! Check out the "download demo" section of The Vault's page to read DEAD QUIET and NOSEDIVE, two very different flavors of mission. 

DEAD QUIET is best for new Agents, and features investigating a series of mysterious deaths in the friendly neighborhood Caddy Corner. NOSEDIVE is best for Agents who have learned a little more about the Triangle Agency world, and features an unusual trend of electrical injuries in Ternion City. I wouldn't look too close at either of these images if you're not a GM.

A page labeled "Dead Quiet by Erin Roberts." A strange bony figure covered in holes stands on a very dark street. On the right, a long chat labeled "Caddy Corner Community Listserv" is too small to be easily legible.
Illustration by Trevor Henderson
A page labeled "Nosedive by Caleb Zane Huett." On the left, a colorful illustration featuring several strange figures: one covered in mouths, one that seems to be sparkling all over, one that's melting into goop on the floor. A headless figure in the background has smoke coming out of their neck, and a TV in the center displays hands pushing up against the glass. Beside the illustration is a color-coded text chat from these characters.
Illustration by Marie Enger

We also have sample pages for the rulebook! On the "download demo" section of Triangle Agency's page you can share the first 20-ish pages with your friends to get them into the game. This is also the best place to easily download character sheets and the third party publishing license! Speaking of which...

Want to make your own Triangle Agency stuff?

Our third party publishing license has remained basically the same as it was in the Delta Test. On the "download demo" section of Triangle Agency's page, you can check it out! We also have a new simple compatibility logo you can use.

The Triangle Agency compatibility logo. Text says "Agency Compatible" next to a red triangle.

In brief, you can make any game stuff (character options, missions, etc.) and sell it however you like as long as you aren't re-publishing or plagiarizing our existing art or text. 

Want to get a group together?

The best place to do that right now is the Haunted Table Discord server! We have a dedicated channel called "branch-locator" you can use to connect with other players.

What will make the team happy?

So kind of you to ask. First: rate us on! If you like the game, give us 5 stars. Then leave a comment on the game page, telling us and the world what you love about the game.

If you like a joke, or a mechanic, or a part of the game, tell us!!! Post about it everywhere! Share with your friends! I especially love seeing reports of what happened during your games. We've been working on this project for a long time, and we've been waiting to show you this stuff for ages. Just letting us know you saw and liked something is huge.

Most of all, play. Play the game. Get your friends together and try it out, for a session or a year. I think you'll have fun at least most of the time.

Let us know what YOU want to see!

We have plans for how we want to support the game going forward, but after you've seen the game, tell us what we can make for you! 

Are there parts of the world you want to learn more about? Tough parts of running the game you could use support for? Character types you'd like us to create? We'd love to hear what you're looking for, and will try to do everything we can to improve the game however we can over the next few years.

Thank you so much.

This time last year, we were in the middle of this fundraising campaign. Now, we're releasing the full game to the world in a bigger and better form than I could have imagined when we hit launch.

I know we still have a ways to go before you have the real books in your hands, but this is an enormous milestone. I hope you're celebrating as much as we are.

As always, let me know if you need anything. Thank you so much for your support.

More soon,


The Briefcase Collection from the beginning without the box. Rulebook, The Vault: Missions for Triangle Agency, The Triangle Agenda, and six four-sided dice.

Digital Edition Releases in One Week!
3 months ago – Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 06:36:48 AM

Hello, Agents! Triangle Agency will become available to everyone next Tuesday!! We're so excited for you to see what we've made. The plan is that the digital game will drop around 11am EST. We'll post an update here when it's time, too.

Quick Guide to Next Week

Here's some things you can do to make sure you receive everything smoothly:

  • Complete your Backerkit survey now if you haven't. We'll be using your information in Backerkit to distribute the keys this time. If you have never received an email from Backerkit about your order, send me a message here on Kickstarter. 
  • Make sure your email on your Kickstarter, Backerkit, and accounts all work and are all the same. (If you don't have an account yet, make it using the same email you're using for Kickstarter and Backerkit.)
  • Check to make sure you've ordered everything you want from Backerkit. Orders lock on the 24th sometime after 5pm EST. They'll become available again on and our own online store (TBA) the day after.
  • In case of issues with your order, add [email protected] to your email's contacts or similar so mail from me doesn't get marked as spam. You can also contact that email for assistance, but I'll probably be busier than usual helping people during this time, so it might take a day or two to hear a response from me.

As a reminder, this PDF version is basically identical to the print version, and is missing several accessibility/QOL features we'll be updating over time. Our goal is to have screen reader compatibility, alt text, table of contents links and form-fillable character sheets released in stages between now and the physical release.

EU/UK VAT Update

I bring good news! We've learned some more accurate information for collecting VAT. Right now, as we update everything to the new numbers, VAT charges are inaccurate or missing for most people. There will be a charge, but for most people it will be less expensive than it was during our last post about this. 

Because of the high workload this week, this might not be done by the 24th. (It requires us to do a lot more precise data input with a beta feature on Backerkit.) It will be complete waaaay before any card charges, and you'll be warned ahead of time more than once. We aren't going to charge these cards until closer to shipment of physical books, October-ish. 

Reminder to Triscendent Backers: Schedule Your Games!

Search your emails for an email from [email protected]. If you don't see one and can't find the scheduling link, send me a message on that email or here on Kickstarter. If you're waiting on more day/time options, post a comment or send me an email letting me know if there's a particular day of the week or time slot you're hoping for. I can't accommodate specific date requests or ensure you get an exact slot but I'll take these into account when I open up new times! 

Thank you!

If you have questions or want to share in the community's excitement, check out our Discord! It'll be undergoing some renovations around release, but will remain a great place to talk about the game, ask questions about the rules, and find an online group.

More soon,
